Stunting Prevention Analysis for Pregnant Women
Stunting Prevention Analysis for Pregnant Women
Harindra1, Antarini1
1Health Polytechnic of Pangkalpinang, Ministry of Health, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
One of the nutritional problems suffered by toddlers is stunting, which is a short or
very short body condition that occurs due to malnutrition and recurrent disease for
a long time in the fetus for the first 2 years of a child's life. Stunting or inhibition of
body growth is one form of malnutrition characterized by height according to age
below the standard deviation (<-2 SD). Children with stunting have an IQ of 5-10
points lower than normal children. This study aims to analyze the prevention of
stunting which carried out for pregnant women to prevent fetus from stunting in the
Work Area of West Bangka District Kelapa Health Center (Poskesdes Terentang,
Dendang, Kacung and Pangkal Beras) in order to develop a model for handling
these problems. This research was using mixed method study. Samples were
selected by purposive sampling with a total sample of 51 subjects for quantitative
data and 5 subjects for qualitative. Data was obtained through cohorts of pregnant
women and in-depth interviews. The analysis used was a statistical test with Rank
Spearman Correlation to determine the causes of stunting during pregnancy. The
results of bivariate analysis showed that there was a relationship between Upper
Arm Circumference (LiLA) and Low Birth Weight (LBW) (r = 0.367; p = 0.008). While
Hemoglobin Levels (r = 0.040; p = 0.780) and (r = 0.018; p = 0.899); Weight gain (r
= 0.089; p= 0.535) and (r = -0.015; p = 0.915); LiLA (r = 0.256; p = 0.070) had no
relationship with birth length or birth weight. For the analysis of sources, some of
the causes of stunting include open defecation, unbalanced consumption patterns,
inadequate quality of health services and low purchasing capacity.It can be
suggested that government need to complete the Posyandu with measuring length
/ height and implementing training for Posyandu cadres. Advocating mass media
and social media, giving lecturer for religious leaders and community leaders,
conducting home visit by Public Health Centre, mobilizing the community in an effort
to improve the quality of public health in preventing stunting. Increasing family
income through empowering community groups to increase income & family
Keywords: stunting, pregnancy, posyandu
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